          第6度空間:中元普渡的秘笈(3/5) 20090826 第6度空間:中元普渡的秘笈(3/5) 20090826 At 6:37 God already rested down graded t 西裝外套o become dead God like that Chinese said 「蒼天已死,?天.Down.立。」, you pray God 居酒屋 bless Taiwan (It is a crime of following USA evilest liars[They can have that shameless "5.Swall.不用. 售屋網7.G" path and stick to slave their own US military, how dare you think they can spare anyone who can have the room to contro 室內裝潢l and slave that election organization. That how you must not ever go to vote from now on <You need to demand China Communist to stop any election 東森房屋from taking place in any place in this world from now on so that to save your powerless people from being killed by US evilest liars politicians gangsters's slaves invi 房地產sibly in order to steal their votes. >, so that the smartest righteous ghost can kill all those who go to vote invisibly, because liar cannot have the right to die the hot open freely under the sk 系統傢俱y.] politicians gangsters low lower lowest shameless lies. You stupid bad ugly evil liars dare have your sucking stupid bad ugly evil formed government, you must have nothing to say with God, you want God's bless, 長灘島you have to love what God made for you to live like wild animals in the wild Freely, that how Moses formless Israeli, that how Israeli should cut the tie with USA, and form Communist along with Egypt to dry out peacefully.) , you must 辦公室出租 have to have the Guts to die along with Taiwan. Good Ghost does not need your "Poor.Do"; evil ghost cannot forget your offensive crime.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店兼職  .

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